killer pirate


  • Name: Lammy Jayden

  • gender: envy

  • age: in his 30s

  • height: 6'2

  • race: half elezen half hyur

  • orientation: bisexual and moronsexual

  • Preference: switch (adjusts to who he’s with)

  • alignment: chaotic evil

  • PPS. THIS BITCH IS BUILT LIKE MICHEAL MYERS, he either makes himself hard to kill, or just wont die...


  • Compliments! (Ego booster)

  • Cats!

  • Shiny things (keep those purses close to yourself or else you’ll end up losing either a few or ALL those precious items)


  • being called "cute"

  • People who are extremely nervous (stutters) cheery people and holy SHIT if you talk to him with a constant stutter he will bully you on the spot and tell you to stop

  • Being stared at

"Ha?...Aaaww are you're seriously gonna judge me based off rumors alone?..I knew it. Gentle lambs like me are bound to suffer. Never given a chance to speak for ourselves."

Amongst Ishgardians

Short and sweet, without telling too much.
Born in Hingashi and raised in a hell called the brume. You know where. And of course, he didn't have it too easy growing up there, especially being a half-breed and all...And Lammy was something special, something that could only be learned about...Perhaps in person. A dirty little secret. Maybe think twice when looking at a wanted poster of a wanted killer around and about.
His title in ishgard is notoriously known. "Ishgard's killer".

Amongst garlens

Alot of the garleans know why he's so special. Special enough to have this man on lock down, and experimented on just to have him serve as an imperial. Lammy was lucky enough to escape them. With all the unbearable torture he had to endure--Good or bad, he doesn't want anything to do with garleans. EVER. A very personal vendetta.

-If so happen to be ishgardian or even a ishgardian noble, then HEY, let it be known to him and he will SURELY have beef with you. But he will never address it nor show it. Besides displaying a very distinct attitude towards you.

-He has very alluring jade eyes. One might come up and compliment them. But him being him, he'd only stare at you. for a very VERY long time. And this means he might find you interesting. which is 8/10 a bad thing. Or NOT.

-“Heard of the disappearances of almost every ishgardian noble in ishgard?”“Nowadays there’s been word of a killer who targets proud ishgardians and the nobles.”“They call him the ‘killer of ishgard”These sentences alone will grab Lammy’s attention if within earshot. Though he won’t ever approach the person who says it. BUT CAREFUL, this will more than likely have him stalk you.-“you’re very pretty, miss.” Lammy will only stare you down with a straight face and say “thank you” obviously one would be surprised by how deep his voice is. Surprise, not a woman. But he loves to dress flamboyant like, so it’s common that he gets mistaken for a woman a lot. Fun fact: his job involves pretending to be a courtesan to get close to a specific target of his. He doesn’t mind being mistaken for a woman cause he also agrees. That being said..-A MASTER AT DOING BOTH. Meaning he can be as masculine as wants and be as feminine as he wants. The definition of gnc. You may see him in a very convincing appearance. (As shown in the screenshots and art) perhaps you you know him by his feminine side, but under a different name. Famously known in kugane in as Kei Sato (Fem). And ishgard as Indila Rosé (Fem)… If your character knows him by only those names then they wouldn’t know about his true identity (contact me ooc for more details if needed).-Don’t mention garleans around him. He hates them as much as he hates ishgardian nobles. UNLESS you’re looking for a problem. If you’re garlean yourself, or an imperial, you have heard of him and what he does. You may even know his "subject name" And if you call him by it you will automatically be aggro’d aggressively. He is somewhat infamous around the soldier ranks. Mainly because of his kill drive. He was caught once by the empire but somehow escaped. And yes, they want him back, serving for the empire.-He has a pretty huge bounty on his head. Dead or alive. But most prefer him dead due to him being a great potential threat…Never mention this him or else find yourself in a not so great state. This come into play with black mailing him.-oop, caught you staring at his lips for what? Who knows. All there is to know is that not only his eyes are commonly alluring to people, but his lips makes ya think about how soft they feel against your own…Perhaps. The man is not afraid to kiss you if brought up. Let that be known.-In need of a guy who can kill a certain target quick and quietly? Well, Lammy is your guy. Assassin work is apart of his contract work, and it’s enjoyable for him. So he’d be happy to take out a contract given.-UH OH, looks like you ARE his contract, someone has it out for you and sends Lammy your way to kill you. (How that goes can be discussed oocly before interaction such as that)

Voice and inspiration

hi hello yes,
first off i'd like to say, dark themes obvious gonna take place with my rp with THIS character. But that being said, i absolutley DO NOT tolerate shit like (rape, sexual harrasment, extreme degrading, ETC)
You can find this man in Mateus quicksands majority of character can be an asshole, cause ya know….VILLAIN n all…be warned. But just like a healer, I can adjust. If it gets a little too much for you, please dear god tell me ooc. I do not read minds. What my character does, DO NOT equal my actual attitude towards your character. It’s me ROLEPLAYING out my character realistically.if dark themed rp is wanted, that MUST be discussed ooc BEFORE hand.If erp is wanted then depending on how the scene is and if it leads to it then that’s welcomed. Lammy is whore, he has no morals.ALSO: I ONLY RP 21+ BECAUSE I AM 21+, IF YOU ARE A MINOR INTERACTING WITH ME, PROCEED TO YEET YOURSELF AWAY FROM ME